
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

State of the Heart

Ubqari Magazine - September 2019

From the Pen of the Editor

State of the Heart

What I saw, Heard and Thought


Victories Are Waiting For You

Always Saw Mother Wretched, Disrespected and Upset

A person mentioned a wonderful incident of his affluence, wealth, respect and dignity. He said that he opened his eyes in such a family in which the temperament of his father had strictness, control and wrath. For my whole life I saw my wife to be wretched, disgraced, and upset. I could not understand how to help my mother. But I was much smaller. Then the father was not alone, his sisters were with him. And his brother’s wife as well. I kept on seeing this black night of oppression from childhood through to adulthood. And I kept on seeing my mother being wretched and grounded. I had hatred in my heart for those people, and so much so the last level of hatred. So much so that the father also became a victim of that hatred.

I Could Neither Attain a Rank, nor Grace

  My circumstances were grim. Where had my companions reached? Someone on some business and someone on another. I could neither find any rank, or grace, or a designation. I kept on being pushed from one place to the next, but I could not find any position. Like this 33 years of my life were spent. My parents had become quite old. But even when my father became old, there was no softness or love in his heart. Rather he was hard and scolded and hated my mother, myself, and so much so that in his eyes every person of the society is a thief  and he is a fraud. And the only pious and honest person is he himself. I had a feeling that I should become independent. And I do something for my parents. And I earn something for my elders. I had this thought and this emotion. But the paths were blocked, destinations would slip out of my hands and go far flung. Even if wanted to achieve something, I could not. I had this perplexity in which I was spending my days and nights. Even in my heart hatred for the society, feelings of revenge from my relatives and father, and spite were increasing.

You Shall Never Be Able to Achieve Prosperity, Respect or Success

Perhaps that was a blessed day of my life and it was a good moment of my destiny. Once I went to a mosque to offer Friday prayers, and the imam of the mosque was explaining a topic, that if your heart is always full of feelings of revenge and spite all the time for hating people and if hatred and spite is in the heart all the time, then you can never acquire progress, respect or success and your paths shall be closed. Your paths shall be finished. Every street shall be closed, destination shall go far away after becoming near. He gave this logic for this that the heart is the place of keeping divine light only. The heart in which revenge, spite, hatred, light shall not come in that heart. Serenity in life, peace and true paths can only be found with noor and they are not found with anything else. The heart in which there is no light their paths are blocked and they never find the destination. Perhaps all of the sermon was for me. I was quite anxious. I forgave everyone while I sat there. And I asked forgiveness from everyone. And I decided that from now onward I shall never allow hatred to have a place in my life. I shall take love, tolerance, respect and forgiveness with me as I move forward. I forgave my father and his relatives. I changed my attitude and my dialect. And I changed my thoughts.

Today I am an Affluent Person of This Society

Believe me! The only thing I did was to change my inner self. And the mechanism of this world started changing for me all of a sudden and I was extremely happy. I was satisfied that I found so much happiness, I found so much calmness that it is beyond my imagination. Today I am an affluent person of this society. I consider myself fortunate. Closed paths are opening. I am finding my destinations. I am a person who has good destiny and kismet. My circumstances have changed. Destinations have come nearer. Difficulties have removed. And in every moment I have found happiness, affluence and gladness. I give all of you a message. Clean and purify your body and heart for everyone and make it ornate and enlightened for everyone. As soon as you shall purify your heart, at the same time your problems shall solve, difficulties shall remove and the failures shall finish completely. Come and test! Don’t be hasty. For some time walk with courage and guts, but do walk. Failures shall remove and victories are waiting for you.

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